Minggu, 03 Februari 2019

Before Electric Cars, Indonesia Should Use Hybrids First

before-electric-car-indonesia-preferably use-hybrid-first

Electric vehicles are considered to be the right solution to cover transportation needs in the future. To achieve a reduction in overall vehicle fuel emissions, the habit of using an electric car needs to be accustomed gradually.

Before using fully electric cars, consumers need to at least get used to using hybrid vehicles first. This statement was conveyed by an Electricity Engineering Expert at the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) CARSSTUDIO , Agus Purwadi in Jakarta.

"At present with the existing infrastructure conditions PHEV (Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle) is the most realistic. But if you want minimal hybrids that have entered Indonesia in 2009 but are still expensive," said Agus.

Indonesian society, which is dominated by middle and lower car consumers, is still considered to have the objection to directly switching to hybrid cars, the price of which is still far more expensive than conventional cars. This expensive price is caused by the large amount of taxes and the latest tech cars pinned on luxury cars such as sedans.

"The hybrid has no incentives yet, so if you buy a hybrid it is at least 1.5 times more expensive than an ordinary car. The tax is a lot, biofuel tax, electric vehicle tax, added luxury tax is not reasonable. In Thailand alone the tax is calculated from emissions , "said Agus.

Agus proposed that hybrid cars should be produced in the middle to lower segments to make it more attractive for consumers to switch to electric-powered cars. "We propose a low-class medium. Like ever entering the Ertiga Hybrid, it is already economical. Abroad is also not directly into electricity but starting from the hybrid first," concluded Agus.

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